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Anxiety Therapy

in Milwaukee, WI and Online





You are


overwhelmed and worrying.

Do any of these sound familiar?

When an event is coming up, you worry about every detail (e.g., What should I wear? What if I’m late?) and whether people will judge you.


This makes it hard to have fun. 

When you have to make a decision, you go back and forth between options and can’t move forward unless you figure out the perfect one.


You might call yourself an “overthinker.”

You feel like anxiety is stopping you from doing things you want to do like trying a new activity, making new friends, or going somewhere new.


It doesn’t feel like it will ever get easier.

You feel restless, you get stomach aches, and it’s hard to fall asleep at night because your thoughts won’t turn off and your to-do list is constantly on your mind.


You are exhausted, but it is hard to relax. 

You've realized anxiety has impacted

area of your life.



You feel drained, your muscles are tense, you have frequent tension headaches, or you just don’t feel “well.” Maybe you notice a quick heart beat, a stomach ache, or jaw pain. These sensations are uncomfortable and can be distracting or all-consuming.


YOU are the

of your life, not


It may seem impossible, but life could look like: 


To make this


Focus on Collaboration and Connection

Talking about anxiety can be difficult and overwhelming. Or maybe you’ve never talked to anyone about your anxiety and it feels embarrassing.


To make it easier for you to share and be yourself in therapy, I strive to build a connection so you feel comfortable in and trusting of our relationship.


To do this, I believe you know yourself the best and what works for you, and I partner with you using my knowledge about anxiety, the brain, and coping strategies to help get you where you want to go.

Use Our Time to Practice Skills

There are many tools you can add to your toolbox to help manage anxiety.


We will work together to identify tools that will be helpful to you, practice them in session, and make tweaks to ensure they are as helpful as possible.


Some of these strategies may include breathing exercises to calm your nervous system, grounding exercises to stay in the present moment, and thinking exercises to gain a new perspective.

Consider and Incorporate Context, Culture, and Systems

We don’t usually have anxiety for no reason. In our work together, we will strive to understand where your anxiety has come from and why.


Maybe you had a parent who was anxious and they passed these habits down to you. Maybe you are discriminated against due to your identities, so anxiety has helped you feel safe. Or maybe achievement is important in your culture and the pressure to succeed has led to anxiety.


Whatever factors have contributed, we will consider how these impact you day-to-day.

Start With Your Existing Strengths and Identify New Ones

It can be hard to admit, but there are some ways anxiety has helped you.


Maybe it has helped you achieve in school or work. Maybe it has made you a better friend because you are thinking about others’ needs.


Regardless of how anxiety has helped you, we will use this idea as well as other strengths you have to help you take the parts of anxiety that serve you and find other strategies when it doesn’t.


Therapy for

can help you go:





Relax into your body and sleep better

Make better decisions with less stress

Feel more connected to those around you

Learn effective coping strategies

Meet your goals at work or school

Find inner peace and emotional balance

You already have the strengths and strategies to manage your anxiety. 


Let’s discover and refine them together.


Additional areas of 

There are some difficulties I have expertise in that are nested within anxiety therapy.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety occurs when worries are predominantly focused on social situations and what others think of you. Through anxiety therapy, you can feel calm in social situations and enjoy spending time with loved ones without overthinking or trying to be someone else.


Anxiety often goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism because when your standards are too high, you may worry about failure or not being good enough. Anxiety therapy can help you better understand your perfectionism, set more realistic expectations for yourself, and be kinder to yourself.

Performance Anxiety

You want to perform when it counts, but anxiety gets in the way. As a sport psychologist, I can help you manage this anxiety so you can find success on the court, in the boardroom, or on a stage. See my Peak Performance Therapy page for more information.

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